Never has had greater meaning for (me) than it does now ...
To really hear others in their words, in their feelings their vibrations knowing, is understanding what others have gone through from a 'cellular level' ....
The link between the mind and the body has been something I have acknowledged for a few years ...but of late it has been blatantly obvious to (me) that over the decades of repeated stress, anxiety, fear, loss, grief (death) fight or flight being my 'go too' ....
The reality of what happens to the body because of the thought process can be harsh, it can be painful, it can also be 'mournful' ...
To heal from your pain is not easy, to heal from your pain takes commitment....the journey is a process, to forgive is not to forget...
"I am far from perfect, I too have found myself staring into the face of pain and suffering and did indeed see myself staring right back" ....
#talkcareshare #spirit #emotions #reiki #embrace #engage #life #yourlife #choice #choose #pain #go #letgo #love #be #befree #spirit #spiritcoach #hear #see #FREE
